torsdag den 5. juni 2008

Canned Corn Now Completely Banned In Esbenland

ESBENPOLIS (EsbenInform) - Canned corn has long been considered unpatriotic due to their nasty taste and color, and the effective bureaucracy of Esbenland now takes the consequences and announcing a complete ban of the disgusting vegetable. "All intake and trafficking of canned corn will from now on be considered an national offense and will be punished by 30-40 years of hard labor or in grave cases by capital punishment" an government official said.

The unpatriotic canned corn now completely banned in the great nation of Esbenland
Workers Salutes Ban
Workers at Industrial Plant #3264 salutes the ban;
"I'm happy to live in a nation where the government takes appropriate actions against such unpatriotic behavior. The punishment seems just and fair! Also...

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1 kommentar:

Anonym sagde ...

Thank you, great leader. The chef at mine no. 348 has been thinning down the lovely boiled rice with canned corn for ages, and it's just so... so unpatriotic.